Friday, April 11, 2008

Justice for Art should be served

I am too angry to write a full paragraph concerning Guillermo Vargas Habacuc's art display of a starving animal so I will bulletpoint my views.

  • Stating that this exhibition was to bring focus for the plight of other starving dogs in his village is like publically raping a child to gain awareness of molestation.
  • If he really cared about serving the starving animals then he should adopt some, paint pictures and sell them and get food for them, start an SPCA organisation in his village - there are HUNDREDS of solutions to helpp animals. killing one in the most inhumane and painful way is beyond comprehension.
  • He publically murdered a creature - he should be served a sentence and ALL art galleries must shun him - or risk being seen as an accomplice.
  • To the public who viewed this exhibition and the photographer who took the photos - you are all just as much to blame and your complacency makes me sick to my stomach.
  • if there was a way to permamently remove Guillermo Vargas Habacuc from this planet without risking my soul I would. But then I would be just like him - an empty shell that is human shaped and has no soul.
  • There is no justification on this planet that can excuse these actions - words cannot express my total sorrow at this act.